Minority Mental Health Awareness

Minority Mental Health Awareness The FOL social media pages will be focusing on a special awareness campaign during the month of July! In observance of National Minority Mental Health Awareness Month, we’ll be using our platform to spread awareness to the unique struggles that racial and ethnic minority communities face...

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Local Programs

Local Programs Grocery Distribution: In November 2022, we celebrated 10 years of continuous grocery distribution in our program for low-income families. This program is continuing in Auburn and Federal Way. In 2022, we were privileged to serve 503 families and 2,241 individuals. Over the years the attendance has dropped gradually...

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Bukobero Updates

Bukobero Updates Bukobero Community Health Center construction is underway, and the foundation of the building is nearly complete. Sheila Hosner heads this project, and she provides a progress report here: I traveled to Uganda the last two weeks of May this year and am happy to say that the Bukobero...

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Uganda School Updates

Uganda School Updates As you may know, we now have fully operating primary and secondary schools on our campus. We have approximately 380 students in attendance, with roughly half in the primary section and half in the high school section. We have students in every grade level in the high...

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Latest Uganda Mission Trip

Latest Uganda Mission Trip We have just returned from a visit to Canaan Schools in Ndagga village, Uganda, where our primary and secondary schools are located. We only had four members on our team, which made it the smallest group I have ever taken to Uganda. But in terms of...

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The World at a Crossroads

The World at a Crossroads Dear FOL Family and Friends, It is hard to process all that is going on in our world today. We are now finally emerging from the grip of the COVID pandemic that has claimed almost 7 million lives worldwide. We have a tragic ongoing war...

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Social Justice

Social Justices For the past few months, here at FOL we have been focusing our social media presence on uplifting and featuring various social issues and causes. During the month of February we had a successful Black History Month campaign highlighting important individuals and events in the fight for civil...

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Bukobero Community Health Center Project

Bukobero Community Health Center Project Exciting progress is being made on the construction of the Bukobero Community Health Center in eastern Uganda. The water system needed for the coming health center is now complete! This is a gravity feed system and over 700 meters of trenching for the pipes was...

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Uganda School Updates

Uganda School Updates On the way back from the refugee camp, I was able to visit our school in Ndagga. As you know, we completed the construction of the secondary school two years ago. Because of the pandemic, our schools have been closed off and on over the last two...

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Medical Outreach Services: Uganda Refugee Camp

Medical Outreach Services: Uganda Refugee Camp In January, I was on a surgical mission in western Uganda to Kyangwali Refugee Camp, which houses 150,000 refugees, most of whom come from Congo. The Medical Outreach Services division of the FOL Foundation was the official sponsor for this trip and partnered with...

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Reflecting on 10 Years at FOL

Reflecting on 10 Years at FOL When our organization was launched, we had no idea where we would be in ten years. We certainly did not imagine that we would find ourselves in a world with an ongoing pandemic that has left more than six million people dead and, on...

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FOL’s 10 Year Anniversary

Dear Friends of FOL Foundation,Fountain of Life (FOL) Foundation was registered as a nonprofit corporation in the state of Washington on May 29, 2012. That means we are celebrating our 10th anniversary this month! In this issue, we reflect on FOL’s decade-long work and continuing mission, and share updates on...

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Learning Together About Justice and Peacemaking

Learning Together About Justice and Peacemaking Fountain of Life Foundation is excited to announce a new project launching on our social media and internet platforms soon! At FOL Foundation we are proud of the hands-on service we provide in our community and beyond, but we know that these efforts can only...

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New Social Justice Projects

New Social Justice Projects Our organizational bylaws specifically states that we will be involved in promoting the elimination of prejudice and discrimination and will defend human and civil rights. We have worked with Northwest Family Life, a Seattle-based nonprofit organization focusing on domestic violence prevention and intervention, and provide support...

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Bukobero Update

Bukobero Update In 2018, Fountain of Life Foundation signed a Fiscal Sponsorship Agreement with Bukobero Community Health Centre in Uganda. You can find out more about the project here: https://www.folfoundation.com/bukobero/. Sheila Hosner, a US-based Development Director and chief fundraiser for the Health Centre, provides a brief update below.   Despite...

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Uganda School Updates

Uganda School Updates Our primary and secondary schools in Uganda were closed for a number of months, but now we are in the process of gradually reopening. The high school is now fully open with three of the six classes enrolled. For the primary school, Grades 4 through 6 are...

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Local Updates

Local Updates Our school supply project was affected as most schools have been closed to in-person learning. We also had to cancel our grocery distribution events for two months, but we have been operating uninterrupted since the break last spring. In fact, we recently celebrated the 100th free grocery distribution...

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Pandemic: Looking Back and Looking Forward

Pandemic: Looking Back and Looking Forward Dear Friends of FOL Foundation, Well, what a year it has been for all of us! We have all gone through something over the last year that we have never experienced before and likely won’t experience again in our lifetime. Quite simply, this pandemic...

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“I am sponsored”

“I am sponsored” As a new FOL volunteer this year, I experienced many touching moments with students that stand out and come to mind so often. One secondary school student is starting her 6th year at Ndagga—her eyes sparkle, she loves learning and steps up to help whenever needed. She...

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Local Projects

Local Projects I would also like to update you on our local projects. For our school supply project, we are working with three elementary schools and providing them with winter clothing items such as jackets, gloves, and shoes. Our grocery distribution program continues to provide free groceries to low income...

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Expanding Medical Services

Expanding Medical Services We continue to operate a clinic on campus which is staffed by a full-time nurse practitioner. We have also started providing obstetrical services and currently deliver three to four babies a month in the clinic. We were fortunate to have three dentists join us on the recent...

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Ndagga Secondary School: Built!

Ndagga Secondary School: Built! The new secondary school is complete, and we are extremely grateful to each of you, our supporters and donors, for helping to bring this dream to reality in the past year. We have hired twelve dedicated new secondary school teachers and built teachers’ housing units for...

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Uganda Mission Trip 2020

Uganda Mission Trip 2020 On February 10, the 2020 FOL volunteer team arrived at Ndagga to be greeted by a full school celebration ceremony. Singing, drumming, and words of thanks and gratitude surrounded the team as the community gathered in the new school auditorium to begin the volunteer week on...

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Expanding: New Farming Land

Expanding: New Farming Land Our goal has always been to help Ndagga school become self-sufficient. The only reasonable way this can happen is if we invest in a commercial farming project. We are still actively exploring such a project, but the availability of large suitable land for farming (at least...

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New Phase of Work in Uganda

New Phase of Work in Uganda Dear Friends & Supporters of FOL, It has been quite a while since the last newsletter was published in 2018. We apologize for this long pause, but it does not mean that nothing has been happening! In this issue, read about the progress of...

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Missionary Nancy’s Testimony

Missionary Nancy’s Testimony My name is Nancy Griffin, and I was asked to go on a mission trip with Dr. Paul Eun to Uganda. I had the best time. It was such a good feeling to be able to help the many villagers waiting for care at the medical clinic....

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Be the Answer

Be the Answer To celebrate my birthday, I chose to partner with Fountain of Life Foundation. Instead of people buying gifts for me, I encouraged them to consider making a donation to go toward buying sports equipment for the school students in the Ndagga village. At first I questioned whether...

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Beyond Primary School

Beyond Primary School Building a Secondary School In 2019, a secondary school needs to be built as our primary school will be graduating its first class at the end of that year. This is necessarily going to be our largest building project to date as it must accommodate six grades...

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Continual Expansion & Growth

Continual Expansion & Growth Dear Friends of FOL, Time has flown by so quickly since the last edition of our newsletter. I want to assure you that we have not been idle and that our work has continued to expand. Today, we want to briefly update you on our two...

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Help Needed: Share Our Need

Help Needed: Share Our Need A Video for You! A picture is worth a 1,000 words, and a video can be worth 100,000. As you watch it, we hope that you are encouraged by the difference YOU are making in Uganda. None of this would be possible without your ongoing...

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Uganda Village Updates

Uganda Village Updates Internationally, we started our Uganda village transformation project in 2014, and we have, to date, built a primary school and medical/dental clinic. Since our last newsletter, we have made steady progress, and we are sharing some new photos here. We now have: 4 teachers’ apartment buildings, 3...

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Local Projects

Local Projects We are currently involved in two major local projects in Washington: The first is a school supply program in which we partner with two local school districts by providing uniforms and other essential school supplies for elementary schools in low income areas. The second project is a free...

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Blooming Hope

Blooming Hope Dear Friends, I want to express my heartfelt appreciation for your continued support of Fountain of Life. This year, we will celebrate our 5th anniversary as an organization. So much has happened since our humble beginning in June of 2012! As I think back over these 5 years,...

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FOL Honored at Heroes Banquet

FOL Honored at Heroes Banquet On April 30th, I had the honor of representing Fountain of Life Foundation at the first annual Federal Way Public Schools Heroes Banquet, presented by Superintendent Dr. Tammy Campbell (far left) and students attending the schools. FOL was awarded and acknowledged for its support of...

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New School Improvements

New School Improvements As with our new clinic, the conditions in our school and for our teachers have greatly improved. Here are some of the exciting new upgrades and on-going projects happening at the school in Uganda: New flush toilets have been added to the school administrative offices. Our visiting...

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Our Uganda School Teachers

Our Uganda School Teachers We started the school two years ago with two teachers, and we now have seven highly qualified, dedicated teachers. Our teachers undergo a rigorous continuing education program provided by educational consultants from Kampala who come to our campus regularly to update the school on the latest...

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New Medical Clinic: A Village Miracle

New Medical Clinic: A Village Miracle The clinic building is seen as a miracle by the villagers. Although it is very small and simple by western standards, we are told that it may be the best medical facility between this town and the capital city of Kampala! As a result...

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Your Impact, Near and Far

Your Impact, Near and Far Dear Friends, I wish you a happy spring and hope that the season reenergizes you and that you have the opportunity to appreciate the wonder of new life all around us! I have just returned from a trip to the remote village of Ndagga, Uganda...

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Want to Join Our Next Mission Trip?

Want to Join Our Next Mission Trip? FOL will be sponsoring another mission trip to Uganda from August 12-21, 2016. Current sponsors are especially welcome. The trip will cost around $2700. If anyone is interested in participating, please contact Paul Eun by March 1, 2016. Photos from our last Uganda...

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Dedication of New Primary School Building

Dedication of New Primary School Building The highlight of our trip was the dedication ceremony for the new primary school classroom building that will now house all grades of the primary school. Teachers and students alike are overwhelmed with gratitude for this facility. Given the magnitude of this building project,...

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Students with a Passion and Positive Outlook

Students with a Passion and Positive Outlook Approximately 220 students currently attend our school, but only 175 of them have been sponsored. The unsponsored students simply show up at the school hoping to be included, and our teachers have an understandably difficult time turning these children away. Indeed, our teachers...

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Uganda Missions Update

Uganda Mission Update Dear Friends, In this special edition of the Fountain of Life newsletter, we are writing with an update on the latest developments in Uganda along with pictures so that you can see how FOL is transforming the village of Ndagga. As you look at these pictures, please...

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FOL Continues to Make a Difference Locally

FOL Continues to Make a Difference Locally FOL’s primary local project is our free grocery distribution, which alternates each month between the Seattle suburbs of Auburn and Federal Way. We serve an average of 100 families of 4, so in all, we serve about 400 people each month. Clients sign...

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Planting Courage, Bringing Hope

Planting Courage, Bringing Hope Dear Fountain of Life Family, Many years ago, a dear friend of mine planted some crocus bulbs in my front yard in the late fall. Amazingly, these crocuses started shooting up through the frozen ground in the middle of January and after a few short weeks...

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Uganda Mission Update

Uganda Mission Update Dear Friends, I have just returned from a trip to Uganda with a team of FOL board members, friends, and supporters. The team included two physicians and two dentists, and we were able to treat over three hundred and fifty patients in two days. We were also...

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Clinic of Hope

Clinic of Hope Medical care in Uganda is often hard to find. Even basic dental and health care is rare and usually costs more than families can afford to pay. This is especially true in remote villages, where some of the children from Fountain of Life live. Fortunately, Fountain of...

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700,000 Ugandan Children Out of School…

700,000 Ugandan Children Out of School… But your support is helping over 125 children receive an education Uganda is facing an education crisis. Education is very expensive, and most families cannot afford to send their children to school. Less than 25% of children ever go on to secondary school; many...

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Breaking Ground

Breaking Ground Thanks to your support, Fountain of Life is breaking ground on exciting new additions to its school in Uganda! Currently, construction is about to begin for the teachers’ quarters and school restrooms. This will greatly improve life for our staff. They will be on-site, and can help provide...

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A Note from Our CEO

A Note from Our CEO Dear Friends, I am writing to first thank you for your continued support, for you are making a huge difference in the work we are doing. I would also like to take the opportunity to introduce our first newsletter, and show you first hand what...

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