FOL Honored at Heroes BanquetOn April 30th, I had the honor of representing Fountain of Life Foundation at the first annual Federal Way Public Schools Heroes Banquet, presented by Superintendent Dr. Tammy Campbell (far left) and students attending the schools. FOL was awarded and acknowledged for its support of several public elementary schools located in the poorest sections of Federal Way, Washington. Also in attendance was Rudy Baca (second right), Principal of Sunnycrest Elementary School, one of the schools FOL has adopted. Over the last few years, FOL has provided uniforms and school supplies to students in need at Sunnycrest, and Principal Baca told me that in the last year, most of FOL’s contributions have gone to recently arrived Syrian and West African immigrants and refugees. This illustrates how FOL’s support in the local community of Federal Way has a positive ripple effect internationally. We at FOL look forward to continuing our partnership with Federal Way Public Schools in support of students like these for many years to come! Steven Kim |