• Album: Uganda Mission Trips
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    • Album: Building a School In Uganda
    • 20140703_150016
    • The New School’s First Primitive, Temporary Classrooms
    • The New School’s First Primitive, Temporary Classrooms
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    • Sponsored Students Eager to Learn at the New School
    • Sponsored Students Hard at Work
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    • Album: More Uganda Village Updates
    • BE KIND: Change It (My World)
    • New Well: Bringing Clean Water to the Village
    • New Well: Bringing Clean Water to the Village
    • New Well: Bringing Clean Water to the Village
    • Water Collection Tanks
    • Old Outhouse
    • New Outhouse
    • Crops Growing on School Farmland
    • Crops Growing on School Farmland
    • Sponsorship Program Provides Meals for the School Children
    • School children are now well-nourished under FOL’s Sponsorship Program
    • Children enjoying meals
    • New Teachers Apartments
    • New Teacher Apartments
    • New Teacher Apartments
    • New Medical Clinic (Completed Jan. 16, 2016)
    • Album: Local School Supplies Program
    • Curtis, FOL’s Chief Operating Officer, buying school supplies to be donated
    • Buying clothes to be donated to local students in need
    • One of FOL’s partnering schools receiving donated items
    • Curtis delivering donated school items
    • One of FOL’s Partnering Schools in Federal Way, Washington
    • Thank You Letter from Local Students
    • Thank You Letter from Local Students
    • Thank You Letter from Local School
    • Thank You Notes from Local Students
    • Thank You Letter from Local School
    • Thank You Letter from Local Students
    • Album: Local Food Distribution
    • DSC_0049-1 (1200×1800)
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