Social Justice

Social Justices For the past few months, here at FOL we have been focusing our social media presence on uplifting and featuring various social issues and causes. During the month of February we had a successful Black History Month campaign highlighting important individuals and events in the fight for civil...

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Bukobero Community Health Center Project

Bukobero Community Health Center Project Exciting progress is being made on the construction of the Bukobero Community Health Center in eastern Uganda. The water system needed for the coming health center is now complete! This is a gravity feed system and over 700 meters of trenching for the pipes was...

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Uganda School Updates

Uganda School Updates On the way back from the refugee camp, I was able to visit our school in Ndagga. As you know, we completed the construction of the secondary school two years ago. Because of the pandemic, our schools have been closed off and on over the last two...

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Medical Outreach Services: Uganda Refugee Camp

Medical Outreach Services: Uganda Refugee Camp In January, I was on a surgical mission in western Uganda to Kyangwali Refugee Camp, which houses 150,000 refugees, most of whom come from Congo. The Medical Outreach Services division of the FOL Foundation was the official sponsor for this trip and partnered with...

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Reflecting on 10 Years at FOL

Reflecting on 10 Years at FOL When our organization was launched, we had no idea where we would be in ten years. We certainly did not imagine that we would find ourselves in a world with an ongoing pandemic that has left more than six million people dead and, on...

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FOL’s 10 Year Anniversary

Dear Friends of FOL Foundation,Fountain of Life (FOL) Foundation was registered as a nonprofit corporation in the state of Washington on May 29, 2012. That means we are celebrating our 10th anniversary this month! In this issue, we reflect on FOL’s decade-long work and continuing mission, and share updates on...

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