Fountain of Life is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt private operating foundation.
When you give to the FOL Foundation 100% of your donations will go directly toward charitable services.

We accept all major credit/debit cards through a secure payment system.

Here are ways you can make a donation to support Fountain of Life’s work:

Help Fund Our Projects
You can help fund one of our projects and take direct action to help a community in need. Learn more about our projects here.

     Any Project / Give Where Needed Most
     Uganda Missions
     Food Distribution Program
     School Supplies Program

     Other: $ (Please enter numbers only, no special characters – e.g. 150)

     One Time Only
     Every Month

Sponsor a Child
For just $1 a day, or $30 a month, you can provide education, medical care, food, clothes, school supplies, and give a child hope and a future in Uganda.


If you would like to select the child(ren) you sponsor, please visit our Child Sponsorship Catalog of children who need your help.